Patliputra University Part 1 Physics Hons Syllabus

         Patliputra University

         Physics Hons paper 1

[Time: 3 Hours]       
                          Paper-I                           Full Marks: 75
INSTRUCTIONS: Ten questions shall be asked. Each question will carry equal marks. First question is compulsory and shall consist of Ten Multiple Choice Questions. The rest questions will be of subjective type which may include long questions and short notes.
GROUP - A: Special Theory of Relativity
Galilean Transformation, Inertial frame of reference, Michelson-Morley experiment, Lorentz-Fitzgerald contractions, Einstein postulates, Lorentz Transformations and its consequences, Length contraction and time dilation, Addition of velocities, Dragging of light by moving medium, Relativistic Doppler effect of propagation of light waves, Aberration of light, variation of mass with velocity, Mass energy relation.
GROUP - B: Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Inertial frame of reference and non-inertial frame reference, Coriolis & Centrifugal forces and their simple applications, Generalized co-ordinates, Constraints (holonomic & nonholonomic) D'Alembert's principle and Lagrange's equations of motion, Hamilton's equation of motion and their simple applications.
Gravitational potential and field due to bodies of regular geometrical shapes, Motion in central field due to bodies of regular geometrical shape, Motion in central field, Kepler's laws, two particles motion in central field.
Elasticity and elastic constants, Relation between elastic constants, Bending of beams and cantilevers, Torsion of cylinder and rigidity modulus by flat spiral spring.
Surface tension and Surface energy, Principle of virtual works and its application to surface tension, Ripple and gravity waves, Surface tension by the method of ripples, Effect of temperature and pressure on surface tension.
Group – C: Waves and Vibration
2 questions to be set, one to be answered differential equation of wave, Equation of progressive waves, Stationary Waves, Compression Waves in fluids and in external solids free, damped and forced oscillations in one dimension. Fourier series and its applications to rectangular and saw tooth waves, vibration of string, Intensity and loudness of sound and their measurements, Acoustics of buildings.

Time: 3 Hours]                                  Paper-II                            Full Marks: 75
INSTRUCTIONS: Ten questions shall be asked. Each question will carry equal marks. First question is compulsory and shall consist of Ten Multiple Choice Questions. The rest questions will be of subjective type which may include long questions and short notes.

Derivation of Maxwell's law of distribution of velocities and its experimental verifications, Equipartition of energy, Mean free path.
Transport phenomenon-viscosity, conductivity and diffusion, Brownian motion, Langevin and Einstein's theories and experimental determination of Avogadro's number.
Rectilinear flow of heat in a metal rod conductivity of periodic flow method. Relation between thermal and electrical conductivities Van der Waal equation of state.
GROUP - B : Thermodynamics
Zeroth law of thermodynamics, Definition of temperature, first and second law of thermodynamics, Carnot's engine and Carnot's theorem, Absolute scale of temperature, Claussius inquality entropy, Energy changes in reversible and irreversible processes, Enthalpy, Helmholtz and Gibb's function, Gibb's Helmholtz equations, Maxwell's equations and its application to simple physical problems.
Thermodynamics description of phase transition Chemical potential, Latent heat of transition, Clapeyron equation, Ehrenfest scheme of phase transition.
Joule Thompson effect, Liquefaction of gasses with special reference to hydrogen and helium, Production and measurement of low temperature.
Black body radiation, Kirchoff's law, Stefan's  law, Wiens law, Planck's law and its experimental verification.
Einstein and Debye theories of specific heats of solids.

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